People Counters

IDISEC: Store People Counters


Store people counter

For a store, it is very useful to install special devices intended to analyse the flow of visitors in the shop, in order gather certain information. The information obtained from the use of such tools, i.e. people counters, is needed to prepare statistics for the evaluation of possible marketing initiatives, as well as for general internal business improvement, the aim of which is to increase sales. Nowadays, having a store people counter is therefore essential mainly for being able to build targeted marketing strategies, which will be tailored on the actual needs of customers and business, as they are based on the visitors’ own habits and relative conversion rate.
  • knowledge on which time of day is most popular with visitors;
  • assess who is the staff member in the presence of which there is a greater flow of customers.

Tracking visits with the people counter therefore makes it possible to carry out a comparative analysis of the efficiency of sales operations, which is ideal for building tailor-made marketing operations and for optimally selecting the advertising tools to be used.

Store people counters can be of different types:

The manual-mechanical store people counter is a small object, usually made of metal and used to manually count the number of visitors present at the point of sale during events, fairs and exhibitions. On these occasions, the mechanical people counter is used by hostesses or stewards and by the staff responsible for receiving customers.

The electronic manual store people counter is intended for analysing the flow of visitors, typically used in public commercial spaces (such as pubs or discos) and activated, like the mechanical people counter, in a manual way.

Finally, the automatic people counter is highly accurate device and works even without a PC. By means of an optical detection system, automatic devices allow counting of the number of people passing through sensitive areas defined by the user. For this particular device, the software associated with the automatic people counter allows access to statistics on the number of visits divided by time slot and by days (holidays and working days), as well as the possibility of comparing the different periods of operations and the daily, monthly and yearly flow of visitors.

IDISEC, a company with many years of experience in the field of anti-shoplifting systems specifically dedicated to commercial activities, also deals with solutions for analysing visitor flows: different types of people counters, ideal for every need and budget, both for small and large stores.

Store people counters: prices

Choosing to equip your business with store people counters (either electronic, mechanical or automatic) is a wise and functional decision for the whole business, as it indirectly leads to an economic advantage in relation to increased sales.
These devices are really able to benefit the activity of a retail business and the sectors that can benefit from one of the various systems for analysing the flow of visitors by means of a store people counter (electronic, mechanical or automatic) are really numerous: from nightclubs to clothing shops, supermarkets or gyms and much more.
People counters for stores generally enjoy very affordable prices, catering for a variety of needs and conditions.

Typically, the cost classification for these devices is as follows:

  • MECHANICAL PEOPLE COUNTERS have the lowest PRICES in the flow analysis product range, being equipped with the most classic and simple technology;
  • PRICES OF ELECTRONIC PEOPLE COUNTERS are slightly higher as these systems are more innovative than the previous ones. In any case, the expense involved in purchasing these devices is far from limiting;
  • finally, the PRICES for OPTICAL PEOPLE COUNTERS are higher than the prices for both of the previous categories because the technology they use is advanced and, in addition, the expense will include the purchase of the integrated software, for the analysis of the gathered data.

IDISEC has always been committed to customer satisfaction and offers people counters at the best price for each single business. When you contact us, one of our experts will be on hand to advise you on the most suitable systems for your business, as well as to choose from a wide range of anti-shoplifting systems for all types of stores.

Call us or fill in the form at the end of the page to find out more about our store people counters, the prices of the proposed alternatives or a free quote without any obligation to buy.

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